月刊ドキュメント COLOR MOUNTAIN×チャーリー・アキ
COLOR MOUNTAIN -inhabitant x eness
『 私たちの体験を皆様に紹介したくこの作品にまとめました 』
Our second SNOW SHOW with inhabitant at Mt Naeba, Japan.
This journey began in 2011, where we happened to be setting up this
event as the earthquake struck Japan. The original show was cancelled,
however inhabitant insisted we see our shared vision through. A year on
we've arrived with a grand plan to color the mountain from launch to landing.
In two days we set up our projectors, snow mapping software and nifty
iphone app. allowing the audience to interact with visuals in real-time,
the riders illuminated the mountain as they approached and hit the ramp.
Event night 3rd March 2012
Location Mt Naeba - Japan.
inhabitant & eness
この作品にはまだレビューがありません。 今後読まれる方のために感想を共有してもらえませんか?